Dough-Pro 2

Dough-Pro 2

Volumetric Dough Divider

Suitable for scaling soft and delicate dough this type of divider does not over-work the dough. ?n fact the suction cutting system does not press the piece of dough inside the piston but it suck it in and expel it. The machine is provided with a closed lubrication circuit with oil filtering and recovery. The weight adjustment is made through an electrical device with display located on the control panel or manually with the flywheel located in the back of the divider. Stainless steel dough funnel (can be Teflon coated on the inside). Adjustable automatic flour duster. The machine is recommended for use with automatic lines.


  • Scaling soft and delicate dough
    Closed lubrication circuit with oil filtering and recovery
    Stainless steel dough funnel
    Adjustable automatic flour duster
    Recommended for use with automatic lines

Models Available

  • PM-VD M2 STD -
  • PM-VD M2 IND -