Industrial Proofer

Industrial Proofer

Bread Mac-Auto Series Intermediate Divider

Industrial Intermediate Proofer made with fully stainless steel frame, swings and covers, modular system - unmounted. Nylon-mesh round pockets, easy to remove for cleaning purposes with a weight range of 3.52 to 44 oz. 10 pocket modulated standard in all models. Infeed conveyor, with photocell control with continuous drive. Flour duster on infeed conveyor. Collection drawers for adjustable resting time, to be able to exit out dough pieces as refer desired resting time. Outfeed conveyor, synchronized speed variable control with the divider. Electrical box at working height with power supply and sockets to connect the divider, rounder and molder. Air circulation fan and UV lighting. Flexible layout with the choice of infeed position; right or Left, Front or Back but must be specified when placing order.


  • Full stainless steel frame, swings and covers
    Nylon-mesh pockets
    Easy cleaning
    Infeed conveyor with photocell
    Flour duster
    Collection drawers for resting times
    Synchronized variable speed control

Models Available

  • PM-IP 340 END - 340 Pocket/1800-2400 Pieces per hour
  • PM-IP 480 END - 480 Pocket/2400-3600 Pieces Per Hour
  • PM-IP 680 END - 680 Pocket/2400-3600 Pieces Per Hour