Enrobing And Decorating Lines
Enrobing And Decorating Lines Enrobing And Decorating Lines Enrobing And Decorating Lines

Enrobing And Decorating Lines

Lines For The Chocolate Compound Enrobing And Decorating

Promac By Gorreri full automatic lines for the ?Chocolate Compound? enrobing and decorating.
ENROBMATIC Chocolate Compound Enrobing Machine
Stainless steel structure mounted on adjustable feet with Polycarbonate side protections. Unit has a working chamber heated through radiant ceramic plates and inner neon light. Wire mesh main conveyor made of stainless steel with powered control inverter and heated roll detachment and motorized at variable speed. This unit has a Chocolate tank control level via programmable electronic sensor and drawer filling system. It is placed under the chocolate fall being able to do simultaneously even the socket with the coating. The heating boiler is integrated in the tank, the operation of the circuit is pressurized to optimize the circulation of water in all the points of the machine. Tank that deposits chocolate on the product is equipped with a double fall with independent thickness adjustment. A multi exit manifold keeps the level constant in the tank. Stainless steel wire mesh conveyor at the entrance is equipped with independent motorization controlled by inverter.

DECORMATIC Chocolate Compound Decorator
Stainless steel frame, double walled stainless steel tank with stirrer and integrated hot water generator. Heated gear pump complete of filter. Tank is assembled over a trolley together with the electric panel with Touch Screen control. Double motorization decoration system with adjustable eccentrics. Transverse movement is equipped with reverse gear to obtain countless typologies of decoration. Stainless steel manifold easily dismounts and manifold heating system by ceramics resistances and temperature control of the environment of decoration. Self-bearing polycarbonate transparent perimetral covers.

THERMOMATIC Refrigerating Tunnel
Thermomatic is a blue polyurethane conveyor belt, it is equipped with automatic centering of the heads with control photocells and pneumatic movement on both sides, this allows to avoid the minimum lateral contact of the belt, keeping in this way the heading of the products and a long lasting conveyor belt. Pulling is obtained with a main roller coated in rubber with a diameter of 400 mm and a mechanic tensioning system with 2 counter rollers in stainless steel of big dimensions to reduce at minimum the belt tension. Speed is adjustable by converter. Pens are quipped with small rollers in stainless steel. Central zone of the tunnel is totally isolated to guarantee the maximum return of the refrigerating equipment. In the lower part are positioned the 2 evaporating batteries, while 2 fans with external rotor guarantee silence and elevated performances in terms of air flow. Fans are mounted on hinges to allow a better accessibility.


  • Stainless steel structures
    Adjustable Polycarbonate Feet

Models Available

  • ENROBMATIC - Chocolate Compound Enrobing Machine
  • DECOMATIC - Chocolate Compound Decorator
  • THERMOMATIC - Refrigerating Tunnel