Roll-Matic 3

Roll-Matic 3

3 Pocket Divider/Rounder

Promac 2 Pocket divider/Rounder is perfectx forindustrial strength production. Easy controls with PLC/HMI screen. Mechanical adjustments are easy to appl;y and easy to learn. Usage information can be stored and recalled any time. Daily cleaning is ade so easy with parts that easily disassemble and reassemble. minumal amounts of flour is needed so it is very easy keeping this unit clean. Adjustable flour dusting and automatic oiling system makes this unit the ultimate solution.


  • 5400 pieces per hour
    Easy controls
    Ease of disassembling parts for daily cleaning
    Automatic oiling system
    minumal flour required
    Adjustable flour dusting

Models Available

  • PM-DR 3000 - 5400 Pieces Per Hour